The importance of active telescope training

American scientists point to a problematic development in observational astronomy. Large telescopes have enabled novel research activities that were previously unthinkable, including the provision of large datasets. As...

Complete observatory donated

Frau Brigitte Thome-Bode from Hannover donated the complete observatory of Hans-Joachim Bode to the STScI. The first-class ensemble of several lens and reflector telescopes, a very heavy mount (we now know how the...

The Dumbbell Nebula M 27

The Dumbbell Nebula M 27 is an extraordinarily large planetary nebula, not only because it is not even 1,000 light years close to us, but also because it has a considerable real extension of about 2.5 light years...

Towards the SchoolLab IV

The cubes have come! This morning the three observation cubes were delivered and set up by WSM Walter Solbach Metallbau. The movable constructions serve on the one hand as weather protection structures for the three...

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